Bad Back? New Bed

It’s Back Care Week – aimed at raising awareness of back pain, the impact it has on lives, and things you can do to help avoid it. Here at Juliettes, we are great believers that a good night’s sleep is the foundation of good health but is often overshadowed by a focus on diet and exercise. Of course, these are also essential but, without the healing benefits of sleep, their effectiveness will always be diminished.

Italian Designer Button Upholstered Ottoman Storage Bench,

The cornerstone of a good night’s sleep is, obviously, a comfortable bed. However, back pain sufferers often find it difficult to get comfortable and so endure night after night of disturbed sleep as a result, often waking in pain – never a good start to the day. If you do wake feeling achey and unrested, your bed is not doing its job and it is probably time you thought about buying a new, luxurious and comfortable bed; a bed that is just right for you, perfect not only in looks but also in its level of support and comfort. This is no time to compromise. Get it right and your bed should look after you for the next 8 – 10 years.

Do I need a hard bed?

If you do suffer from back pain, your choice of bed is important. We have been told for years that a hard bed is good for a bad back. This is a myth! It harks back to a time when mattresses were made from materials that had a tendency to pack down and sag, ending up like a hammock. The only way to straighten them out was to put something firm, such as a board, underneath. Mattress technology has moved on in leaps and bounds since then.

Mattress by Hypnos

What type of bed do I need?

Whether you suffer from back pain or not, you need support. This is not the same as firmness. It is how the mattress fits around your body. When you lie on your side, your spine should be horizontal. If it curves downwards like a hammock, the mattress is too soft. If you are perched on shoulder and hip, it is too hard. There should be just enough give to follow your body’s profile, supporting every part of you without you sinking in.

There may still be times when your back needs a little more care. If lying on your side, try putting a pillow between your knees to keep your legs parallel. If you sleep on your back, put a pillow behind your knees or thighs to relieve any pressure on your lower back. Experiment to find what suits you best.

Size matters

Generally, the heavier you are, the firmer mattress you need. Remember, though, that there is no standard firmness rating, and what feels medium to a strapping rugby player may feel far too firm for someone much smaller. Try out a range of mattresses to see what feels right for you.

Bigger is better in the bedroom

If you are buying a bed for two, bigger is always better. The more space you have, the less likely you are to disturb each other as you move about during the night. You should be able to both lie on your back with your hands behind your head and elbows down, without touching. Your bed should also be around 10 – 15 cm longer than the taller partner.

Contemporary Italian Bed with Large luxury leather headboard, is it time for a new bed?

Start them early

It’s not just adults that need to think about back care. Many of the problems experienced by adults stem from poor care during childhood. There are simple things that young people can do, such as sitting properly, exercising regularly to strengthen muscles, stretching, and carrying all their heavy school books in a proper backpack. And, of course, they also need a high quality, comfortable bed that will support their growing body. You will need to replace a child’s mattress regularly as they grow, as the level of support they need will change.

Rococo Button Upholstered Single Bed, is it time for a new bed?

Here at Juliettes Interiors, we have an extensive range of beautiful, luxury and designer beds. Each one is made to order and exquisitely crafted to the highest possible standard, built with your comfort in mind. Our beds can be customised to create the perfect bed for you, your partner and your children. Choose from a full library of fabrics and finishes, order the size that perfectly fits your space, and specify a customised mattress to create your own bespoke bed.

Speak to the experts

There are so many combinations of bed, mattress, tensions, upholstery, colours, finishes and storage options – it can be difficult to know where to start. For advice on your perfect bed, pop into our showroom or speak to any member of our highly-talented interior design team. We can take you through all the options available to make sure you – and your back – get the bed you deserve.

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