Blue Monday 2023: Interior Tips to Beat the January Blues

It’s that unfortunate time of year again. The Earth has completed another trip around the sun, and we’ve found ourselves back on the most depressing day of the year: Blue Monday. Taking place on the third Monday of January every year, this day has been aptly named after the doom and gloom that many people tend to feel around this time. Each year this day sees a statistical spike in numbers for cases of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).

There are, of course, a number of contributing factors to this. On top of the grey skies and low temperatures, there tends to be a rise in financial anxieties, and all the while everybody seems to be down with the sniffles at the same time.

A stylish living room exudes elegance with a dark blue velvet sofa, perfect for easing those "blue Monday" blues. In front, a pair of nested coffee tables holds a vase with yellow tulips, a pink container, a decanter, and glasses. The wall behind the sofa showcases an eclectic collection of framed artwork.

This can certainly be an overwhelming time, which makes self-care more important than ever. Turning your home into your own little safe haven is a necessary step towards overcoming the January blues. Read on for our top tips on curating your home to be the perfect space for a little bit of rest and relaxation this Blue Monday.

Tactical Textures

At this time, you may find yourself lacking the motivation to get up and be active – which is totally okay! If taking some time out to lounge around is what you need to lift your spirits, then you’ll need the cosiest space possible to do so. Utilising soft and plush textures in your home is an accessible and effective way of creating a cosy vibe.

Obviously, a living room or lounge area will be the most effective space for this. For example, your furniture’s upholstery can make a big difference when it comes to cosiness. A linen or velvet upholstered sofa will be far more pleasant to lounge on than, say, a leather sofa. To elevate the soft textures of your living room furniture even further, try adding some plush or fluffy cushions, or draping a soft throw over your sofa.

Embrace the Natural

What’s the best way to beat those winter blues? Make it feel like summer in your home!

Implementing shades of green into your interior is a foolproof way of brightening up the space and your mood. The tried and true method of scattering houseplants around the home is a classic when it comes to enhancing any space. 

Adding greenery to your home will invite in a sense of the natural, infusing the space with a refreshing atmosphere that will wash those January blues away. This is in line with wellness design philosophies found in many trending styles, such as Japandi – a fusion of Japanese and Scandinavian interior design philosophies that places a huge focus on feng shui. You can read more about wellness design and Japandi style in our previous blog on 2023 interior design trends.

A luxurious living room features a curved cream-colored sofa with multiple cushions, positioned around a black round coffee table adorned with a vase of flowers and decor items. Tall windows with beige and brown curtains, a large potted plant, and classical paintings enhance the elegant ambiance, perfect for easing any blue Monday.

Of course, houseplants aren’t the only way of achieving this – even simply adding some green accents as a pop of colour to your interior can go a long way in terms of brightening your space.

Inject Some Warmth

Having warm-toned lighting in your home is an absolute must at this time of year. Sure, it’s always great to have as much natural light as possible coming in, but how much of that are we realistically getting right now? The sun starts setting at 3pm, and even before that, you’ll be lucky if the sky isn’t grey and overcast.

Utilising ambient lighting can make a world of difference in your interior when done correctly, and will only further add to the cosy vibe you’re going for. Take it from us – you’re going to want lower temperature, warmer toned lighting in your home to uplift your spirits this winter. Check out our previous blog on lighting for the winter for more expert tips on brightening your home during the gloomier months.

Juliettes Interiors Top Tip: Candles are always a great addition to any room! Their multifunctional nature makes them great for a number of reasons. While they can obviously be used as ambient lighting, they also make the most adorable decorations. On top of that, you can opt for scented candles that have the added benefit of aromatherapy, allowing you to relax even further.

Last but not least, look on the bright side – you’ve made it past Blue Monday! We’re in the home stretch of the winter months, so there isn’t long to go until the days start getting longer, brighter, and warmer. Until then, prioritise your self-care in your very own home sanctuary.

Luxury Interior Design

Has Blue Monday got you thinking about updating your interiors? See our luxury furniture new arrivals for more inspiration, or get in touch for luxury interior design expertise.

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