Living Through Lockdown – Hibernate or Rejuvenate?

As we get used to another month or so of living through lockdown, here at Juliettes we are determined to find the positives. We are better prepared than last time. We know what to expect. Okay, so we can’t go out and party – but we can wrap up warm, grab a takeaway coffee and run through the leaves in the park with our best friend. If that’s too chilly, we’ve all got the hang of Zoom. We can meet up with family and friends all around the world online, which most of us never really did before. We can binge on box sets during the cold winter evenings. There are some fantastic caterers out there ready to deliver delicious food right to your door. Some of us have learned to bake, sew, dance and do yoga. Some of us haven’t. Now is our chance to hone those newfound skills or learn different ones.

living through lockdown, autumn leaves
Image courtesy of itoosoft

Living Through The Last Lockdown

Living through lockdown last time, we aimed to inspire you and your interiors with mini lockdown projects each week. Many were based around our outdoor spaces but now really isn’t the time for that sort of thing. Having said that, choosing the right luxury garden furniture takes time so maybe we should all start looking now. If you’re back to working from home and still haven’t got it quite right, check out our Home Office Hints & Tips and Best Small Desks for Working From Home. If you fancy tackling a small project, take a look at our ideas for Under the Stairs or Accessories for an Instant Uplift.

Luxury Italian Designer Bronze Frame Desk

Living through Lockdown – Let’s Hibernate

Living through lockdown will mean different things to different people. Some of you may just want to hibernate – snuggle down at home and luxuriate in the extra time you have. No time spent stuck in traffic. No scraping ice off windscreens. Just you, a big, comfy sofa and a roaring fire. This doesn’t mean doing nothing all day. It means giving yourself the time to enjoy your home, to plan ahead, to read books or even write letters. If this is you, think about the things you want around you to make you feel warm, cosy and comforted. Use your time to gather inspiration, to shop online for the luxury furniture you’ve always wanted, and to create your perfect cave. We’ve put together a selection of the most stunning, sumptuous, sofas, chairs and beds. So go on, cocoon yourself in comfort and we’ll see you at the end of lockdown.

Online Interior Design Course

Is there a budding interior designer inside you just waiting for the chance to flourish? Have you always wanted to have a go but don’t know how? Or do you know someone who is obsessed with interiors and would love to learn the tricks of the trade? Juliettes Design School now offers an Online Interior Design Course (as seen in Living etc Magazine’s ‘6 of the best online interior design courses’). The January course starts next week and is fully booked. The next course will be in April and is currently HALF PRICE!

Classes are live and interactive with a qualified tutor and small class sizes to ensure plenty of individual attention. You will learn all the fundamentals of the interior design process – from accurate scale drawings, floor plans, elevations and mood boards to product sourcing, costing, logistics, installation and project management. What better way to celebrate a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. And you’ll have a fully-designed project ready to get started.

A person sits at a desk participating in a video call with several people displayed on a computer screen. Living through lockdown, the workstation is filled with various design materials. Below, a series of images shows close-ups of design sketches, materials, color swatches, and furniture models.

Living Through Lockdown – Let’s Rejuvenate

When we talk about rejuvenation, we are talking about interiors, obviously. Rather than cosying down, are you the sort of person who wants to be up and doing? Living through lockdown may seem daunting to you but it’s the ideal time to plan ahead. Instead of looking despairingly at your four walls, use your time to look forward and plan some fresh, spring interiors. Not mini projects this time but grand plans for a total rejuvenation of your home. Tackle it one room at a time and think carefully about who uses each room, how it needs to work and what feel you want to create. Although we are seeing a lot of warm, cosy colours in interiors trends at the moment, this is not for everyone. Bright, vibrant colour can lift spirits and add positivity in a time of uncertainty. Remember – only choose things you love.

Interior Design Service

We are still hard at work here at Juliettes, offering our full range of fabulous furniture and all our Interior Design Services. We are offering online video consultations, allowing you to show us around your home without even leaving it. So, if you are looking at your four walls and wondering where to start, give our talented team a call. An interior design project can be daunting but you are never on your own. We can help with anything from simple advice on the products to choose, right through to full interior design, bespoke product sourcing and installation. Make the most of this lockdown and let’s get creative.

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