Post Corona Wishlist

We hope you’re enjoying our Lockdown Living posts. How many of them have you had a go at so far? With little hints that this lockdown will not last forever, how many of you are daring to think about tomorrow, next week or next month? Do you have a wishlist of the very first things you want to do once restrictions are eased? This week’s mini lockdown project is a very simple one – and it’s nothing to do with luxury furniture. Instead of just thinking ‘what if’, actually put your wishes down in black and white. Yes, make yourself a proper, written wishlist.

London's empty streets during lockdown
London’s empty lockdown streets. Credit: BackGrid

Make a Wishlist Moodboard

Use old fashioned paper and pen, create a wishlist mood board on your laptop or just jot a list on your phone. Brighten it up with doodles. Add pictures of all the things you’re planning to do. We’ve shown you recently how to put together both an interiors moodboard and one for an outdoor retreat but this is even easier. You don’t have to narrow down your choices. You don’t have to worry about colours or textures. You can add absolutely anything you like. Then, if you can, pop it up where you can see it. Stick it on your bedroom mirror, put it on the fridge door or set it as the background on your gadgets. That way, every time you see it, it will bring a little smile and the knowledge that every day is one day closer to normality.

post coronavirus wishlist with pictures

Be Thankful, Be Kind and Look Forward

Right now, every day feels like Groundhog Day. In what seems like week 101 of the Covid-19 lockdown, for many it’s getting harder each day. Experts say that we need to concentrate on the positives, any positives, no matter how small. Being thankful for even the smallest of things, and being kind to others are things that make us happier. So, each day this week, write down one thing you are thankful for (it may just be that the sun is shining). Do at least one kind thing for someone else (phone someone, take their dog for a walk, pick up a prescription, volunteer at the food bank, or donate to the food bank). Looking forward to simple things can also really help to lift our spirits. With that in mind, some of the Juliettes team have put together their Post Corona Wishlists. What are we all looking forward to most?

Juliette’s Wishlist

post corona wishlist, Juliette working during lockdown, laptop on kitchen table with glass of wine
Another day working from home for Juliette
  • Give my mum a hug
  • Book a holiday
  • Go on holiday
  • Stay on holiday. If I can work from home surrounded by children, I can work from anywhere


A woman with blonde hair and glasses smiles at the camera, holding two sticks with white flowers labeled “Bunny Ears.” Above them, text humorously comments on 2 cm social distancing. Dressed in a black and white outfit, she stands against neutral walls, hinting she's got "wishlist" items ready for any occasion.
Valma and her flatmate Bunny Ears
  • Stop talking to Bunny Ears. I’m tired of waiting for an answer!
  • Visit the Science Museum
  • Visit the Science Museum again
  • Visit my son and kitties in the Isle of Man
  • Play hopscotch with all the social distancing circles outside Tesco’s


A group of people is silhouetted against a vibrant sunset sky, enjoying themselves by jumping and striking playful poses on the shore of a calm body of water. The sun is low in the sky, casting a warm orange glow and reflecting on the water's surface—it's the kind of moment that belongs on your wishlist.
Friends, family and partying for Piret
  • Spend time with family and friends in real life
  • Go dancing
  • Go on a holiday
  • Swimming and gymming


A dog with light-colored fur sits facing a scenic village view, the perfect addition to any travel wishlist. The village has red brick houses and is surrounded by trees and green fields. The sky is clear with a soft, golden hue, suggesting either sunrise or sunset. Trees frame the background.
On one of Tish’s many, many dog walks with the exhausted Elsie
  • See and hug all my family – my mum, sisters, other halves, children, dogs, cats, goldfish…
  • Ride around the woods on my pony Peggy, and hope to catch the last of the bluebells
  • See the sea


on a long country walk, woman, hedge and countryside view behind
Julie on her daily countryside walk. It would be good to see the sea again!
  • Go to see my 92-year-old parents
  • Visit my daughter and two gorgeous grandsons (who, I’m sure, are really missing school. As if!)
  • Travel to see my son, daughter-in-law and their tiny newborn baby – can’t wait for a cuddle
  • A visit to the sea, a good long walk along the beach, followed by a glass of wine in some sunny, beachside bar
  • Last but not least, catch up with all my work colleagues


wishlist, home hair colouring
Not mastering the art of lockdown hairdressing
  • Hug my dad who has been alone all this time, followed by the rest of my family at a big, belated Easter get-together
  • Coffee with friends at a proper coffee shop
  • Choir practice – I really miss the singing and the camaraderie
  • Visit the seaside (you can tell we’re all land-locked at home)
  • Haircut and pedicure. Strictly speaking, that’s two things but I’ll be happy with whichever I can get an appointment for first

Share Your Wishlist

So what’s on your wishlist? We’ve noticed that the things people seem to value the most – things we have all taken for granted before – are friends, family and lots of hugs. Share your wishlist with us. Send us pictures of your wishlist moodboard. We’d love to see what everyone else is looking forward to. Remember, be thankful, be kind and find something, no matter how small, to look forward to.

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