The Rise of E Design in Luxury Interiors

E Design, or virtual interior design, is nothing new. It has been around for the last decade or so. Previously, e design was often thought of as a cheap and cheerful offering. Thanks to a global pandemic, however, it has quickly evolved to embrace the luxury and ultra luxe end of the interior design market.

A detailed floor plan of a ground floor, crafted through virtual interior design. The layout includes a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, dining area, living room, and an entrance. The living room has a sectional sofa and a coffee table. The dining area features a round table with eight chairs. Two small trees are outside.
Working from architect’s floor plans for a luxury home in Lagos, Nigeria

E Design for Busy People

Juliettes Interiors has always offered a skilled, high end e design service to clients all around the world. Even when international travel was possible, it wasn’t always feasible (or necessary) to hop on a plane for a quick meeting. Many clients also use an interior designer because they are simply too busy, and need someone with the experience to take away the stress and hassle and simply get the job done. E design is the perfect solution.

A detailed floor plan of a modern apartment, labeled "First Floor Plan," is brought to life through virtual interior design. It includes two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a dining area, a kitchen, and a balcony. The layout features contemporary furniture, decorative plants, and a combination of tile and carpet flooring.
Clients trust their interior designer to achieve the look and functionality required

Increase in E Design Demand

While e design has always worked alongside our more traditional, face-to-face interior design, the last 12 months have seen a dramatic increase in e design projects, with clients requesting zoom consultations, remote interior design and digital planning. Even as lockdown begins to ease, we don’t see this demand diminishing.

virtual interior design, inspiration board with luxury furniture images
Digital inspiration boards show the look that can be achieved

Interior Design Can Make Your Home Work

This last year has made so many of us realise just how important our homes are. Being forced to stay at home has also highlighted how many of our homes don’t really work how we want them to. When you’re always busy, out at work and dashing around, you don’t necessarily see the problems. It is easier to overlook any small shortcomings. Spending so much time indoors – working, home schooling, exercising, cooking – we have all come to understand how vital it is that our interiors don’t just look good but that they function properly for every member of the family, at all times of the day.

virtual interior design, digital visual of study area
Making the most of your space so that it works for everyone
digital visual of luxury living room
Digital visuals show how the finished room will look

Expert Interior E Design

We have come to realise that many of our homes need a complete re-think and the expert eye of a professional interior designer to make the most of every bit of space. Open plan spaces are still really popular but people are also craving their own sanctuary; somewhere to work, to study or just to escape for a while (such as a Man Cave or Gentleman’s Retreat). Even though we are starting to emerge from lockdown, it is likely that our work/life balance will have changed significantly. Many of us will still spend a lot more time in our homes than we did before.

photo of conservatory with digital positioning of dining furniture
Using clients’ photographs to show proposed furniture in situ

A Bespoke, Personal Service

You may think that e design will no longer have a place in luxury interior design. That we’ll all just go back to business as usual. We honestly don’t see this happening. Clients are realising that a bespoke, personal interior design service can be achieved virtually, without the time and expense of travel, face-to-face meetings and property visits. You do have to take accurate measurements but we guide you every step of the way. While travel was curtailed, the only option was e design – and many clients realised that a talented interior designer has the skill to visualise their property from photographs, and the flair and imagination to transform it. They don’t have to be there to see what works.

e design, bedroom inspiration board
Digital inspiration for a master bedroom

E Design From Start to Finish

Laptops and tablets make it easy to take a virtual tour of any property. Zoom meetings mean we can see not only the space but also get to know you, your personality and your tastes. You can point out existing features and furniture that you like and dislike. It is easy to share images and options at the touch of a button. Meetings are focused and productive. Of course, there is nothing like seeing and feeling fabrics and finishes in the flesh, which is why we always send out samples to help you make the right choices.

However, e design means that all the floor plans, space planning, elevations and final designs can be created digitally and shared online. Everything from luxury furniture to floor coverings, lighting and accessories can be sourced, ordered and delivered. We can find and engage the right tradespeople. And we can be involved with any or every stage of project management and installation – or we can work with your existing team. Whatever works best for you.

virtual interior design, digital floor plan of luxury bedroom
A digital floor plan to show how the space will work
virtual interior design, digital visual of luxury bedroom elevation
and visuals so clients can see the overall design

The Future of Remote Interior Design

While travel is still restricted, e design will continue to be a very important part of any interior design project. And afterwards? While we always love that personal interaction, we think many clients will still appreciate the flexibility and freeing-up of time that e design brings. If you’re still not convinced that it’s right for your high end project, call our interior design team and we’ll explain exactly how it could work for you. At the end of the day, the choice is yours and we are always ready to welcome people to our Chelsea showroom. We truly believe the trend in virtual interior design will continue to grow but we know it’s not for everyone.

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